Prep for Lip Blushing

If you have any history of cold sores, fever blisters, or herpes simplex, you must contact your physician. You must obtain and take the proper prescription medication to prevent such outbreaks for at least 4 days before and after the procedure. Lip Blushing will trigger an outbreak if you are prone to them. 

- No Lip Filler or treatments 3 weeks before procedure or 4 weeks after procedure 

-No tanning/excessive sun exposure 2 weeks before and after the procedure 

-Do not drink alcohol 24 hours beforehand and avoid caffeine the day of your procedure.

- No laser treatments, chemical peels, dermabrasion, or any intense treatments that will cause faster skin cell rejuvenation and skin irritation, 14 days before your lip procedure and 14 days after.

- Waxing or hair removal to the area should be done 5-7 days before appointment. 

-Do not take any blood thinning medications (unless prescribed by a doctor for medical reasons) one week before your appointment (aka: Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E, Fish Oil, Ibuprofen, etc)

-Although clients typically heal from lips more quickly, please plan your appointment around any events or vacations planned accordingly.

- We suggest eating before the procedure, your lips will be swollen and you may have some discomfort before you feel comfortable eating again.

-Please exfoliate your lips 3-5 days prior and keep lips as moisturized as possible 14 days prior to appointment. Working on dry or scaly lips is very difficult and results will not be desirable.

-Do not over scrub to the point that you have raw or compromised skin.

- Lysine (a natural supplement) can be taken two weeks prior and after procedure. 

-Cosmetic tattooing is a process. Two or three sessions may be required to achieve the desired results.